Saturday, March 29, 2008

Small changes, big problems

Is it just me or did Rush Limbaugh morph into Jabba the Hut overnight? Seriously, it could be me because I do miss things sometimes. Maybe it wasn’t an overnight transformation, but since I spend the time between elections NOT listening to anything Rush says, it does seem like he went from well-fed Midwest idiot to Jabba the Hut. Rush, where did your hair go? All it would take is for your eyes to develop slits like a snake, and have Ann Coulter in some trashy harem girl outfit, and it’d be like watching The Republipire Strikes Back.

Don’t get me started on Ann. She’s an oxygen thief if ever there was one. When the right wingers sucked up to her it was all over for me. Have you ever seen such a plastic creation in your life? Seriously, from her tailored suits to her dark roots she just screams that she was created to annoy those of us that work for a living. I’ve seen Barbie dolls with more depth and intelligence (and certainly better outfits). Seriously, WHAT is the appeal?

But enough about the Republifluffs, let’s talk about some seriously stupid stuff. Bush is declaring the nation’s financial industry needs an overhaul. Eight years in office and he FINALLY reaches that conclusion? The Grand Canyon was formed faster. I find is hysterical that he’s decided this overhaul needs to take place when he’s leaving office. Where was this plan when Cheney and Haliburton were raking in millions of dollars per day? Where was this plan when Enron was bilking millions of people? NOW he wants to fix it? I’ll make a guess here: He’ll come up with a solution to get the troops out of Iraq AFTER he’s been out of office for five years. You go George! Nothing like long careful thought in order to make a plan.

And where has Cheney been lately? I realize he’s probably bored with having no lawyers to shoot at. After all, who wouldn’t want to shoot a few lawyers? But what else is he doing? The person we’ve seen most often at Bush’s side lately is Condi Rice. Has she taken over as puppet master? Maybe that is why George has seemed more articulate lately. Condi does speak better than Dick, and it’s easier to hide her behind George. Mystery solved.

Now Condi is supporting Obama over McCain. Hmmm, a different opinion than the boss? Was Cheney running the Buppet the day Bush endorsed McCain? Condi says she isn’t interested in the VP slot, but my guess is that she’d take it in a second if she could get someone as malleable as Bush in the presidential office. I don’t think she’d do very well with a strong leader. She has too many good ideas and strengths of her own. Of course her ability to lie to cover up Bush’s stupidity is probably her most noticeable trait, and I don’t know how she’d list that on a resume.The latest news flash says that American troops in Iraq have been drawn deeper into the Shi’ite. Who are you tryin’ to kid? So has the rest of the country.

Copyrighted to me, JT, don't even think of passing this stuff around!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sick of both parties

I have finally reached saturation point. I spent the early half of my life a confirmed Republican. Then for some obscure, and mind boggling reasons, the 'pubs got behind the Bushes and I lost all respect for the party.

So I spent the Clinton years as a Democrat, and enjoyed one of the best economies in decades. I didn't even care that Bill had a penchant for plump little interns with bad hats. He was an adult, she was an adult and it was no big deal to me. (Although the mental visuals were enough to make my skin crawl) A balanced budget for the first time in years WAS a big deal.

Then the first election with Bush II came up and I really had to step back and realize that America has an overabundance of everything, including stupidity. Who in his or her right mind would elect ANYONE with an interest in the oil industry? Didn't people learn from the last time we had a Texas president in the White House? You can't put people who claim they are part of their own republic in charge of an entire country. It doesn't work. Amazingly, even with all the evidence that he was one of the WORST governors Texas ever had, he gets elected by some kind of flim flam in his brother’s state. Who'd uh thunk it?

Once I recovered from the shock of this misappropriation of the public vote, I told my friends and relatives what would sadly be very prophetic words: We’re going to have a war, and oil prices are going through the roof. Little did I realize how much in common I had with Nostradamus at that point. And like Cassandra of old I was laughed at and belittled by my hard-core Republican friends. ( They have since scraped their Bush/Cheney bumper stickers off their car, a victory I gloat over)

I am more saddened than I can express that I have been proven correct. We did go to war, in a country that was no threat to us, and for all the wrong reasons. There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Saddam was a jerk and a tyrant, but he was THEIR jerk and tyrant, not our problem. Why aren’t we invading Dafur for human rights atrocities? Or someplace that will actually make a difference? How about spending some of that money to improve lifestyles here at home and fix the health care programs for elderly people?

I had to resist the urge to paint “I told you so” on the side of my car when I heard troops were being sent to Iraq. I don’t think it would have made a dent in the mindset of the local Republicans, but I would have felt better. Then the next election came up and I was once again dumbfounded to find people supporting Bush. After four years of his bullshit people still wanted him? How could this be? It was the equivalent of repeatedly touching the stove to see if it was still hot and getting burned each time. Not only do the Republicans back him; but they fall for his whole scale trashing of McCain. Huh? That McCain? YES, the same McCain that Bush is endorsing now was evidently such a scum and unfit leader 4 years ago that the Republicans decided that Bush, aka the devil they knew, was a better bet.

Pardon me, but this miraculous flip-flop on the part of the Republicans regarding McCain has gotten me confused, but not really surprised. I’ve ceased to be surprised by party flip-flops.

Enough about Republican failings right now and on to the Democrats.
Personally I have no problem with Hillary running the country, she did a fine job last time she was in the White House. I have no problem with Obama. He’s not everything I want, and he’s a bit of an unknown, but I don’t hold that against him. He’s had some good messages, and some strange happenings. What I do have a problem with is the whole scale trashing that Clinton and Obama are engaged in towards each other. Aren’t you two on the same side? Aren’t you supposed to be fighting the Republicans, not each other?

The primaries are coming to an end and for some reason both parties are going to expect me to forget all the mudslinging, lies, media blitzes and absolutely off the wall shit and take their word for it that their candidate is the best one. I don’t think so. How can I support McCain after Bush trashed him so soundly four years ago? Was Bush lying then? And if so, why did you elect such a lying sack of shit? If Clinton and Obama are telling the truth about each other then I don’t want either of them in office, they are both shits. And if they aren’t telling the truth then they are showing a capacity to lie that makes Bush look like a flashing beacon of ethical behavior.

I’ve decided I’m done with both parties and I certainly am not going to support Nader. I hold him second in line for responsibility for that idiot Bush being in the White House.
I’m going to be part of a new party system: The Redemolibapendents. This system will take the best of both parties and dump the crap they get hung up on.

A Redemolibapendent does not give a flying shit about homosexuality, because in the long run, unless someone is abusing children or animals, then sex is between two consenting adults.
A Redemolibapendent cares for the environment and knows we aren’t getting a second chance on the first human inhabited planet. If we break it, we need to fix it.
A Redemolibapendent respects the American dream, but also understands that illegal entry into this country is a problem. We don’t mind if you come, but you better arrive with a passport and all your papers in order.
A Redemolibapendent knows that abortion is a choice, especially in cases of rape and incest. No man should ever be able to right a law governing a woman’s body. If women wrote laws that said men had to piss out kidney stones the size of golf balls and not elect to have surgery for removal, then you could bet there would be an uproar. And until every man signs a contract that he will support each and every person produced by his seed until it is through college then there shouldn’t even be a debate. Yes, it’s a human life. But so are all those soldiers being killed in Iraq and the Republicans don’t seem to be too concerned about them.
A Redemolibapendent knows that reliance on fossil fuels from foreign countries is what paves the road to hell as well as a recession. They also know that creating bio-fuels is a good idea in theory, but a stupid idea in practice. When your food source becomes your fuel source them both food and fuel prices become exceedingly high. DUH!
A Redemolibapendent knows that foreign policy isn’t created by being the “bad-ass” but by being the “steadfast”. You can be firm without coming across as a maniac. World power teeters on the basis of who can buy the most nukes and some of those angry little countries are just crazy enough to use them. Being the largest democracy in the world holds no merit if there is a big smoking hole on the east side of the Potomac.
A Redemolibapendent cracks down on corporate crimes and stupid economic decisions. We don’t support out sourcing or the companies that do it. We don’t buy from companies that steal pension money from their employees, or hire illegals, or mark up prices 400% more than they paid for stuff to be made in Taiwan. We don’t support paying CEOs ridiculous salaries while the average worker can’t afford to feed and cloth, much less house, his family.

These are just a few things a Redemolibapendent abides by. I’m sure they will piss the radical right and radical left off, but screw them. They are already uptight because they don’t have some small third world country to dictate too. But then again I hear the job might be opening up in Cuba, so hop in a boat and go make some other country miserable.

As for the election, I think it’s a joke and I’m certain that in the long run we’re going to be sorry no matter who wins. McCain, Clinton, Obama, Romeny, Nader? Run this country right? Who are you tryin’ to kid?

Copyrighted to me, JT, don't even think of passing this stuff around!